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Why Are the Reviews on Richis List Trusted By Millions of Members? We take a number of precautions to ensure that providers can't manipulate their reviews or grade ratings on the List. Some of our safeguards include:

  • No biased reviews: Companies are not allowed to rate themselves, and all consumers must confirm that they are not affiliated, or in competition, with the company when leaving feedback.
  • No anonymous comments: To ensure the integrity of feedback, we do not allow anonymous reviews. Consumers are required to provide their contact information before leaving review so we always know who is submitting feedback.
  • Feedback verification: A combination of proprietary technology and good old-fashioned investigative techniques are used to root out potential conflicts of interest, cases of fraud, and attempts to "stuff the ballot box" with positive comments. We check feedback for these issues before posting it. Any company engaging in fraudulent behavior is excluded from category searches and a notice is placed on their profile. Additionally, providers can't remove their names from the List, so companies can't hide poor ratings or fraud notices. The strong possibility of public shaming is often enough to convince companies not to try.
  • Background checks are performed on every companies that are Certified Service Providers (which are designated by the Richis List Certified badge).

    What happens if a provider fails a background check?

    Any provider that fails a background check is barred from advertising anywhere on our site, will not appear in general search results, and has a designation “Background Check Failure” notification on their listing if located by a direct company name search.

    You can change your password by selecting forgot password from the sign in or sign up menu and reset my password. click on reset my password after entering your email address and follow the steps.

    Privacy Policy

    Richis List does not sell, rent, or trade your email address or any other personal information. We respect your privacy and take the responsibility of protecting the information that you share with us very seriously. View our complete privacy policy and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Richis List is honored to connect customers and service professionals to complete their projects, and we strive to provide each with the best experience possible.

    To that end, we require that all pros and customer uphold our core values:


    Respect each other and each other’s property. If there’s a conflict, respectfully work together to resolve it.


    As a pro, ensure that you’re providing good customer service and producing quality work at a fair price. As a customer, be considerate of pros’ time and money. Also, be fair in giving pros the reviews they’ve earned and deserve.


    Present yourself in a professional manner. Communicate clearly and often and do your part to ensure each other’s comfort in every situation.


    Honor your agreements and be honest about your expectations and limitations. As a pro, be honest if a job is outside your skillset or licensing. As a homeowner, be honest if you have no intention of completing a project. Always be upfront if something isn’t going as agreed upon or planned.


    Answer calls, texts and emails in a timely manner. Show that you value each other’s time by being present and punctual for all appointments. Never leave someone wondering how to reach you or where you are.


    Don’t discriminate based on race, national origin, social and economic class, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, political belief, religion, mental and physical ability, or any other factor. Angie’s List adheres to a strict zero-tolerance discrimination policy.

    Richis List reserves the right to remove all users who fail to follow this code of conduct from our site and platform.

    Richis List has a no revenue sources. We are a free platform dedicated to connect customers and service providers.

    Nationwide Searching

    All Richis List members now have access to reviews all over the country. This is a great feature for members who travel or own vacation homes in another city!